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Scrap metal collection and recycling service in London:

Do you have a lot of scrap metal to get rid? Are you worried it may cost you a small fortune to hire someone to move it all for you? Look no further than Scrap Metal Collections, we do exactly what our name says, we remove all of your unwanted metal items for.

We come to you at a convenient time and remove your scrap metal, promptly and in a professional manner. We are registered waste carriers and try our best to recycle as much as humanly possible. For more information on our Scrap Metal Collection service please visit our blog.

We can remove:

• Washing machines
• Tumble dryers
• Dishwashers
• Kitchen appliances
• Boilers
• Gates
• Cars
• Vans
• Bikes
If you have a particular item you need moving but can’t see it on our list, please don’t hesitate to contact us and find out more, one of our experts will be more than happy to help you.
To qualify for a collection you will need to have a least 500 kg of scrap metal otherwise there may be a charge.
waste disposal Harrow London free scrap metal collections scrap collection

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